Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Importance of Disconnecting

The digital age we live in is amazing.  Numerous devices offer us incredible connectivity and access to amazing discoveries.  Art, culture, sports, food, entertainment, science, available at our very fingertips these days.  It's amazing, and also dangerous if not used right.

There is a delicate balance between spending the appropriate amount of time "connected" along with an appropriate amount of time being disconnected.  We still owe it to ourselves to be able to interact on a personal level with each other, and with nature.  We have a tribal connection to this planet while we are on it, and, on some levels, a responsibility to maintain points of that connection without the internet.

Go surf instead of watching a surf video.  Go do yoga (or whatever workout you prefer) in a class or gym instead of streaming the workout on your device.  Go out and listen to live music (or go play some if you are so inclined) instead of streaming it from your device.  Go watch a sporting event live and enjoy the atmosphere and spectacle instead of catching the highlights on your ESPN app.  Go visit an actual museum instead of googling what the art looks like on your phone!

Social media and the digital age are fantastic, so I don't want to be hypocritical here (especially since you landed on this blog via those channels)!  It is simply vitally important to strike the right balance between being 'connected' and disconnected.  Disconnecting provides an important element of balance, and 'connects' us back to our basic tribal human instincts, which can only be good in the long run.
