Saturday, June 20, 2015

New beginnings...

I finally ditched Corporate America! is more accurate to say that they ditched me.  A few weeks ago, I was informed that my company were having cuts and that my role in it was being eliminated.

No matter who you matter what position you may hold in a company...this news puts you in one of two buckets:

The first one is the "Holy (bleep)...I just lost my job...what am I going to do now?" bucket.  The second one is the "I just lost my job and the possibilities are limitless!" bucket.  Fortunately for me, I found myself squarely in Bucket #2.

Over the years, I've had many people close to me go through similar situations.  In thinking back on those, I remember all the terrible cliches that get thrown around:

"One door closes but another one opens."

"Things are never as bad as they seem."

"A new and better opportunity is just around the corner."

The challenge corny as they sound...they are all true!  Almost immediately after my "corporate career" ended in the advertising industry, a new opportunity opened up for me in the surf industry.  Are you kidding me?  That's a dream come true/bucket list check off moment for me!  I would have missed this moment if I had been in Bucket #1.

Luckily, I just stayed focused on the fact that, there's challenges, there's a reason for those challenges, there's a pathway to get past the challenges, and the challenges DO go away.  That gave me the balance to remember that the universe REALLY does give you what you need, as long as you know where to look for it, and don't miss the signs.  Some of the signs and/or things the universe may give you seem terrible, at first glance, but, often times, they really aren't.

One door may close...but another one really does actually open up...
