Sunday, January 27, 2013

Changing up your workout routine

As we head into the 4th week of the new year, I've been thinking about all of our friends out there who "resolved" to get back in shape.  You know the ones I'm talking about...the ones who suddenly remember where their local gym is...the ones who get back in and try to force themselves back into shape by grinding through the same workouts they've done for years...the ones who've already found several excuses to stop going.

I humbly suggest to these folks that they freshen up their routines by mixing in the disciplines of Yoga and Pilates.  Yoga, is a no brainer.  You don't need a gym membership nor do you need to be an athletic superstar to enjoy the benefits of Yoga.  There's some excellent smart phone apps which can (often for FREE) guide you through a very useful workout.  The core workout, stretching, and mind cleansing that comes with a Yoga session are well worth the effort.

As a surfer, I had been dabbling around with yoga for years.  It has only been in the last few years that I've been introduced to Pilates.  I didn't even really think there was much difference to Yoga.  I got married a few years ago, and my wife is a Certified Pilates Instructor.  She kept inviting me to a class, and one day I finally gave in.  As a "free weight/runner/surfer/cross trainer", I didn't think it would be much of a workout.  After about 5 to 10 minutes of my wife's basic Reformer workout, (I hope it was that truth it may have been 3 minutes!) I was pretty sure Pilates was the hardest thing I'd ever done, and gave me the most difficult workout ever.

This is not quite as easy to do on your own, but still worth checking out.  Pilates studios are becoming more and more popular.  My wife now owns her own studio in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL called Pila-Te-Dah.  She hasn't even advertised and her classes fill up...with people who come back again and again.  I still go, and find myself currently in the best shape of my life, and am surfing better at age 43 than I did at age 23 (thanks, babe)!

For any of you who want to try something different to freshen up your training program, I highly encourage you to try Pilates!  Here's a few tips:

- Find a nice studio with good equipment
- Make sure the studio offers at least Reformer classes and Barre classes are good too
- Make sure the instructors are certified
- Take a free initial class (they all offer them)
- Check your ego at the door (especially if you are a "free weight snob"!)
- Don't push it or try to do more than what the instructor says
- Have fun and enjoy a great workout!

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