Friday, August 9, 2013

Thank you to my wife for providing balance

So...with all my musings lately of maintaining balance, it is now time for me to share the foundation of all of this new found zen and yin and yang.  My lovely and beautiful wife deserves all the credit for me even attempting to maintain an even keel lately.

I came home the other day to see this miniature buddha on my desk:
Seems trivial, but this little guy has helped keep some things in perspective for me today, and I'm thankful that my wife knows me so well, that she knew to bring this home for me.

I've been through some tough times.  I was very fortunate a few years ago to reconnect (via Facebook, of all things) with a girl I went to High School with.  We'd lost touch for over 20 years, but there, in my inbox, was the now ubiquitous "friend request"...which I'm happy I accepted.  She didn't even live in the same city as me, but we would chat from time to time about life, music, people we knew, and stuff like that.

She decided to come into town for Christmas a few years ago, so we decided to meet for drinks.  Fast forward to today...we are married, she has a great relationship with my son, we have a beautiful daughter together, there's a crazy ass boxer running around the house, I have a mini buddha statue, and life is good again!

It's so much deeper than that though!  She helped me rediscover my love for music, surfing, and playing soccer with my friends.  She helped me get physically and mentally healthy again.  My other personal relationships are much better now, and I can guarantee you I'm more focused when I'm at work.  All of these things helped me regain my balance, and I'm enormously grateful to my wife for helping me make that happen.

So...thanks, babe!  We definitely should've gone to the prom!  ;)  I love you!


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