Friday, July 26, 2013

Balance at home...Balance at Work

Recently, I lived through an event which has inspired me to change the focus of this blog to be entirely on finding and maintaining balance.  This week I returned to work after taking a week off to deal with a very sad personal matter.  It's been a fascinating week.

While it was probably too soon for me to come back and "jump right in", I did have a pretty productive week.  This was largely due to the fact that certain work issues just did not grab my attention like they normally would have.  Things that were infinitely more important even just 2 weeks ago seemed much less vitally important now.

This is not to say that I blew the whole week off.  Not even close.  I simply forced myself to find the appropriate BALANCE in my work life this week to pay closer attention to the things that REALLY were important, and did not sweat the small stuff.  Upon further turns out that this was probably one of the more productive weeks I've had in a long time.

I also made a better effort this week to not let my work life and my personal life overlap.  This is something I feel is pretty important and will continue to work on, and encourage others to do the same. I realized this week that, negative energy that emanates from one source does not stop emanating when you move from one realm of your life to another.

Consider wife teaches Pilates and Yoga for her career.  You can imagine how thrilled she is when I bring negative work energy into the house.  To say it brings her down is an understatement.  I also can't even imagine how many times I've snapped at my poor son for something minor, just because I was frustrated by something at work (which in the grand scheme of things wasn't a big deal anyway).

It's just as important on the other side of the equation.  My company deserves my full attention (on the things that REALLY matter).  It's not cool to allow some stupidity from an ex wife, an annoying neighbor, or a dufus of a teenage son take me off my game during work issues.

This really sounds so basic, but it is actually really hard to find the right balance in these situations.  I am thankful I was able to do it this week, otherwise, I wouldn't have made it through.  For me, things like Yoga, Surfing, Meditating, putting the electronic devices away and playing with my kids, were all instrumental in finding the right balance.  These things may not work for everyone, but each person has something they can do to help keep the balance.  Family and work are huge parts of all of our all that you can to keep them in balance so everything flows at a pace that is right for you!


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